Mactaylor Creative

the journal

A Downtown Lubbock and Winter Wonderland Engagement Session


I absolutely LOVE Matt and Jordan, and am IN LOVE with their engagement photos! So no one in Texas expected a huge winter storm to happen in late February… but it did! We originally scheduled Matt and Jordan’s engagement session for this past Sunday (it still happened as planned), and you will see in this post what a difference of 48 hours can look like in West Texas. Ha!

Last Wednesday was quite a different story than Sunday, even Friday! Last week we hit record low temperatures in the single digits and negative wind chills. For this girl who already doesn’t really like to be colder than about 60 degrees…. it. was. cold. BUT we had a GORGEOUS snow!

On Wednesday I had a few people contact me about pictures in the snow – including Jordan! Despite my hate for the cold, it sounded like fun – so I layered up in the warmest things I own (ps. the joke about Texans not owning snow gear is funny because it’s true – unless you are an avid skier of and my one failed attempt in college does not put me in that category… SO no I do not have “proper snow gear”). On Wednesday we got some *quick* and fun engagement photos in the snow out by our house on a local golf course, because it was COLD!

I absolutely loved my time with Matt and Jordan and learning about who they are as people, Christians, and as a couple. They have a beautiful story with God at the center which is absolutely amazing! On Sunday we explored around the downtown area and got some of my favorite downtown Lubbock portraits yet! And y’all… their outfit choice couldn’t have been more perfect!

Matt and Jordan: Thank you so much for choosing me as your wedding photographer – I can’t wait for bridals, and your wedding day in June!!!

Enjoy my many favorites of this beautiful couple and engagement session!!!

February 24, 2021