senior + Grad Experience

comfortable • confident • radiant

capturING the genuine, natural joy you feel during this exciting time in your life.

Your images will be a reflection of you!
The true, natural, and lovely you. There will be no heavy editing!

I guarantee to make you feel at ease, confident, and beautiful in front of the camera. I will pose and direct you throughout the shoot; you do not need to be a model! What! The entire experience will be enjoyable, and you will walk away with new and exciting memories from your senior year.

I know that this is a season of scary decisions and life transitions. I remember my own senior year like it was yesterday!

As your senior photographer, my top priority is to capture the genuine, natural joy you feel during this exciting time in your life. I want to capture your personality in beautiful, natural photos that reflect your joy and provide you with wonderful memories to cherish for years to come.

what to expect

I can assure you of two things